Fibromyalgia is a type of musculoskeletal disorder which affected about 2 to 8% of the total population. The condition is more common in women; about 7 to 9 women are affected by the symptoms of fibromyalgia per man (ratio is 7:1 to 9:1).
The most common presenting symptoms include persistent dull pain on both the sides of the body and areas above and below the waist level usually lasting for at least 3 months. In many patients of fibromyalgia there are other presenting symptoms other than pain; these are increased tiredness, impaired cognitive skill leading to poor concentrating abilities, lack of attention, inability to multitask, increased forgetfulness as both the short term and long term memory is impaired, certain other physical symptoms like headache, inability to control bowel and bladder movements leading to unintentional passage of urine and stool, difficulty in maintaining sleep, headache, increased tiredness etc may occur.
Although the exact underlying cause is not known the pain usually arises due to improper handling of the brain following exposure to pain stimulus.
Disturbed sleep is one of the principal complications of fibromyalgia, as there is persistent pain. Interruption in the sleep may lead to deterioration of work, poor school perfpormance etc.
There is no cure available for fibromyalgia however symptoms can be managed successfully to relieve the bothersome symptoms and thus improve the life of the affected person to some extent.
Common management protocol is management of pain by using pain killers, treating muscle spasm following administration of anti spasm drugs etc. Sometimes physical therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy may also lead to improvement of symptoms etc. Depression and anxiety are other to common symptoms associated with fibromyalgia and these are managed by intake of antidepressant, antianxiety drugs .
The exact underlying causes which may lead to fibromyalgia is not known conclusively; several theories are proposed regarding the cause of the disease. Interplay among several factors like genetic, environmental. Occupational, family problems etc may lead to the decision.
These factors include
1. Having certain type of genes as in babies with this type of problem are at increase risk of suffering from fibromyalgia. Hence positive family history of people with family history of fibromyalgia increase the affected person’s attachment,
2. Suffering from certain type of infection the triggering of the immune system is precipitated.
Risk factors
Common risk factors associated with the causation of fibromyalgia include being a female, family history og fibromyalgia, suffering from other autoimmune diseases namely rheumatoid arthritis or lupuse etc
Fibromyalgia cannot be cured completely. However symptoms are relieved by several other drugs these are pain relieving drugs, anti depressant drugs, anti epileptic drugs etc.
Taking cognitive behavioral classes may also help the person to have his or her petrol charges and anti epileptic drugs are available.